

The core operation of Machinelines Inc. is to sell and purchase construction machinery domestically and internationally, and also to rent construction machinery and other types of trucks.

We offer high quality products in order to provide our clients with reassurance. This is because we have high standards when examining and selecting our products. We also have a wide selection of machinery products which we have developed through our broad business network of the industry. We have established trustworthy relationships with our clients of various backgrounds by serving them promptly and amply.

Hokkaido offers a large volume of second-hand construction machinery of great quality due to the special climate. During winter, most construction is halted due to heavy snowfalls, therefore, we have a sustainable inventory of trucks and machinery with fewer hours of operation than other parts of Japan.

Moreover, we opened Ebetsu Kakuyama machinery park. Recently, the construction industry is facing a lack of workers and an aging workforce. It has become a less popular career among the young generation. We opened the park with the hope of providing an opportunity for children to enjoy experiencing operating the machinery and learning about the mechanisms. In this way, the construction industry may regain its popularity.

We would like to contribute to the Hokkaido region in this way, and try our best to develop the construction industry. We have determined to work harder to improve our service, so please choose us as your business partner.

President Yukio Oguro

Yukio Oguro

Company Profile

Company Name
Machine LInes Co,. Ltd.
Yukio Oguro
Sapporo Headquarters
2249-4 Kawakita Shiroishi-ku,Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0859 Japan
Ebetsu Kakuyama Heavy Machinery Park
168-116 Kakuyama, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 067-0052 Japan
Asahikawa Stockyard
14-60 Nagayama 3-jo, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 079-8413 Japan
Hakodate Stockyard
131-94 Ishikawacho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-0802 Japan
Established in June, 2012
20 million yen
16 employees(Including part-time employees)
Phone No.
Fax No.
Second-hand dealer
No. 101290001442 (Hokkaido Police Department)
Permission for rental car services
No.520 (MLIT, Sapporo Branch)
JASTPRO export & import license
NACCS code P0016E870000
Business Outline
We buy, sell, repair, rent and painting a large selection of construction machinery.
We also rent snow plows and campers.
We sell and rent container saunas.
  • North Pacific Bank, Ltd.
  • Resona Bank, Ltd.
  • Hokkaido Bank, Ltd.
  • MUFG Bank, Ltd.
June, 2012
Machine Lines Inc. established
Started the business in Nishioka stockyard
June, 2015
Moved to Kawakita stockyard in Shiroishi ward, Sapporo
July, 2021
Obtained Kakuyama stockyard in Ebetsu
May, 2024
Obtained Asahikawa stockyard & Hakodate stockyard
Trend in Sales
  • February, 2021 1.1 billion yen
  • February, 2022 1.38 billion yen
  • February, 2023 1.57 billion yen
  • February, 2024 1.65 billion yen

Ebetsu Kakuyama Heavy-machinery Park

  • Exhibit and sell high quality second-hand heavy machinery

    Exhibit and sell high quality second-hand heavy machinery

    There are approx. 150 trucks.

  • In its inspection space, a construction site was replicated

    In its inspection space, a construction site was replicated

    *In preparation.

  • Families can try driving heavy machinery and construction trucks

    Families can try driving heavy machinery and construction trucks

    *In preparation.

  • Visitors can enjoy test-driving an excavator and taking pictures in summer. In winter, visitors can enjoy tubing and driving a snowmobile and a buggy.
  • Please call us to make a reservation. Our staff is available to take your calls during our business hours (weekdays 10:00am-3:30pm)
  • We may not be available to answer your call while we are removing snow in winter.
  • Test driving may be cancelled whenever we think it is not safe under the circumstances such as bad weather conditions and at dusk in winter.
  • Adults must accompany young children.
  • We try our best to ensure everyone’s safety, however, please understand that we will not be held responsible for any accidents that occur in the park.


Ebetsu Kakuyama Heavy Machinery Park

Asahikawa Stockyard

Hakodate Stockyard